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 Taking responsibility by reducing your individual use of the Earth's natural resources, will help slow down Global Warming​


Fact: In the growing process of bamboo there are no pesticides or insecticides used at all. Bamboo takes only 60 days for a 60ft stalk to regrow versus the fact that it can take up to 60 years for a 60ft tree to regrow. The destruction and misuse of trees is the leading cause in the deforestation of our rain forests, which slows down our flow of oxygen. I'm sure we can all agree that oxygen is an essential element to every living organism and species to survive on our home, planet Earth, hello breathing... 


Cause: Non organic cotton crops are the 2nd largest users of agricultural pesticides in the world, coffee is #1 globally and corn is #1 here in the United States. 

Effect: 4 out of 9 pesticides used in growing regular cotton are highly carcinogenic and extremely harmful to every living being.

​Fact: Once toxins are airborne, it's been documented and proven that these chemicals end up in our crops and drinking water. In human beings these toxins are directly linked to causing breast cancer and prostate cancer, especially in our country, the U.S. It takes 1/3 pound of chemicals to grow just enough cotton to make 1 measly, inexpensive T-shirt purchased here, in the United States. Most cotton is imported before it even reaches our local retail stores. So this is a double WHAMMY, since the transporting also causes air pollution....

This information is what caused me to STOP, THINK AND BECOME THE CHANGE THAT I WANT TO SEE, and do my part. We must demand strict laws to be implemented by our governing bodies across the globe, like recently mandated in India, to help reduce the usage of water and natural resources in the garment industry.  


“The best way to make a contribution in fashion is to promote the idea that a fundamental interest in preserving the environment is itself fashionable.” Giorgio Armani

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